Ode to a friend

Your eyes pierced the agony of my soul

Wordlessly challenging me to face

A life beyond the embers of despair

Only you would dare me to laugh

In the face of the enemy

To rise above the horror of the blaze

To look and see what new freedoms there might be

If only I could get past the smoke and the haze

You wore my pain as if it were you own

You became my heart

A single beat, a mystical union

I left my footprints on the path                                                                                                                              

They became yours

Two hearts, two tracks,

 conjoined in the sands of Africa

The trees heard our thoughts

The birds sang our words

The forest echoed our joy

And then absorbed our tears

Leaving us to walk

Hand in hand beyond the hurt.

©Glenda Warburton December 2012

Praia do Chizavane

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